Hello friends and family,
The world today has its own unique challenges and requirements to ensure we can deliver you the best Anime Iwai experience ever November Friday November 13th - Sunday 15th. As we prepare to celebrate our 5th year, Our staff have been hard at work these last few months to bring the beginning of what that means together, especially as our world changes.
we have been monitoring all news and media outlets for updates in these modern times. First and foremost, the heath, safety and well being of our guests, attendees, vendor, artists, volunteers, and staff has been and always will be our number one priority. We have been working closely with our venue, the Ft. Lauderdale Marriott , local, and state agencies to ensure we are able to follow all polices required to to ensure a safe environment in our planning process.
All of this being said, the convention is 6 months away. We will adapt and do what is best for our community always. In the event that Anime Iwai needs to be rescheduled to a latter date, all tickets will be rolled over to the next Anime Iwai event. If we come to the conclusion that a cancellation is the best course, we will refund all 2020 tickets. In the mean time, we will continue to prepare our convention in the state of mind that we are happening as normal. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at operations@animeiwai.com
Paul Cohen
Convention Chair of Anime Iwai
The Anime Family of West Palm Beach, we understand and support your decisions. My daughters and I will be ready for next year. Iwai committee be safe, be encouraged and be blessed. I love you all.
Ms. Addie – Mom and family.❤
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