Anime Iwai:Rush 2019 Party Floor Hotel Rooms
There are two options for attendees who want to stay on site at the Marriott: reserving a room on either the Hospitality [Party] Floor or on the Chill Floors. Both rates are the same at $144 plus tax. Free parking and wifi. The Hospitality Floor is an entire floor of the hotel reserved for Anime Iwai attendees, where parties and noise are allowed at all hours. If you intend to host a room party, play loud music in your room, or otherwise plan to be incompatible with quiet neighbors, you MUST book on the Hospitality Floor. The Chill Floors are just like any other business-travel hotel experience with rules regarding noise. Please be courteous to any normal guests you might find there.
In order to book a room on the Chill Floors, use the following link to book directly with the Marriott:
$144/Night Chill Floors Reservation Link
In order to book a room on the Hospitality Floor, you will choose a room from the floorplan and pay in advance here on Hospitality Floor rooms have a two night minimum stay of friday and saturday night. See the individual room pages for room specifics. If you want to arrive earlier than friday or stay longer, or transfer your room to another person, contact and we'll try to accommodate your requests. Please note that access to the Hospitality Floor will be for Anime Iwai:Rush badgeholders only.
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