Two Star Pass | Anime Iwai
$ 120.00
Anime Iwai Two Star Pass
We sincerely thank you for being so amazing and supporting our convention. It would be considered treason to defect from our home countries and swear fealty to you, so instead please accept all of the benefits of a weekend pass plus the following:
Two (2) gold stars on your personalized badge, as well as a 1" x 1" photo/artwork/avatar of your choice. Your legendary visage framed by two glorious stars is but the first token of our devotion to you.
- An Anime Iwai shirt of the year - woven from premium sports fabric, it is probably one of the only shirts in existence that can come close to matching your magnificence. Shirts are Uisex/Mens sizing.
- An Anime Iwai collectible item
- Additional Anime Iwai swag to decorate yourself with pride.
- Your choice of one (1) ticket to a premium ticketed event (such as the Meads and Melodies tasting event, Burlesque, Cafe Floris Maid Cafe. Notice us, senpai.
- Reserved front row seating at major events. Our guests are more likely to come back next year if we put all of our most fantastic attendees up front.
- Dedicated VIP Liaison contact on staff to answer your questions. The VIP liaison is not obligated to give you a piggy back ride, but they might if you ask very nicely.