Premium Events

Anime Iwai is proud to offer our attendees a selection of exclusive events that can take your convention experience to a level not seen at other Florida anime conventions. Tickets are extremely limited and sell out every year. We suggest you reserve your spot by buying your pass and tickets soon after they are announced! A valid pass into Anime Iwai is required in addition to the event ticket.  Remember that two-star and three-star passes have an admission to one of these events of your choice included!

Meads and Melodies

Keys Meads from Florida's very own Key Largo is doing a Mead Tasting and 8BitWave is going to play some music to accompany the mellow to spiced ranges of the delicious honey mead.  

Tickets for this event are $25 and this is a 21+ Event. This event is being held On Saturday night of Anime Iwai Horizons. Get your Tickets here


Sweet Tooth Maid Cafe

Stop on by to visit with the Sweet Tooth Maid Cafe as they put on their show for you! It's their first time at Anime Iwai and they are excited to see you too!  Check  out one of their sessions on Friday and/or Sunday for your enjoyment! Tickets are on sale now and will also be sold on site at con. Purchase your tickets here! This is an all age event. Tickets are $15 for standard, $20 for deluxe and there's a $2 photo option that is free with the deluxe ticket offer!