As of noon November 12th, Anime Iwai: Evo begins. Its been a long 2 years and we are more than excited to see you. You can find the digital version of your con guide here for the year and we look forward to seeing you.
Anime Iwai: Evo Con Guide
-Senpai Paul
Presented here is our Anime Iwai statement that was shared via news letter and social media. Hello Anime Iwai Family, Our staff at Anime Iwai have been tirelessly working on ways to try and make Anime Iwai: Yatta happen for our fans. However, Covid-19 continues to spike and surge in the number of cases in our home. We consider everyone who staffs, volunteers, and attends our show as family. The thought of putting any of our family at risk during this year was on the forefront of our minds when we made our decision. With that in mind, we have decided it was in ours, and the community's best interest to cancel Anime Iwai: Yatta. While this decision weighed heavy...
Hello friends and family, The world today has its own unique challenges and requirements to ensure we can deliver you the best Anime Iwai experience ever November Friday November 13th - Sunday 15th. As we prepare to celebrate our 5th year, Our staff have been hard at work these last few months to bring the beginning of what that means together, especially as our world changes. we have been monitoring all news and media outlets for updates in these modern times. First and foremost, the heath, safety and well being of our guests, attendees, vendor, artists, volunteers, and staff has been and always will be our number one priority. We have been working closely with our venue, the Ft. Lauderdale...
Hello, everyone. I hope you are all as excited as we are. After the winter holidays and time to plan we have come ready to celebrate. For those who are wondering what Yatta means, its a general Japanese term for great happiness. Such as receiving a promotion, someone getting married (which we will talk about), and celebrating our convention's 5th year. We are inviting all of you in the community as your family to us. Our show runs November 13th - November 15th. We feature returning acts such as 3KB, Shaken not Stirred, Project Shooting Stars, and panelist group Nerds Know. Our premium events such as Koto and, Cafe We have new guest in store including our first time guest...